Thursday, June 6, 2013

Wildlife We See at Our House

During our nature studies we watch wildlife around our house. Here are some of the critters we have seen this year. Besides what is listed here, we have, owls, ducks, robins, various yellow birds in the summer (which we haven't identified yet), an occasional fox, and the neighbors cat. I will post photos of them if I manage to get them, that is, except for the cat!

This little fellow likes all the seeds the birds knock out of the feeders. He likes to hide underneath the tub we store the sunflower seeds in. 

 Snowshoe Hare 
In the third picture he is sitting under the bird feeder in all the cast off sunflower seed shells from all winter long. He is starting to change color even more as the snow is melting and soon will be all brown.

Just look at those big feet!

He likes to sit on top of the suet feeder and munch on his seeds or breads. This is one of the few times he is facing me, he usually turns his back on me while playing tightrope walker, as in the second picture. 


There are two pairs who frequent the feeders, this pair which we think are Downy Woodpeckers, and another pair which are Hairy Woodpeckers. The next pictures should be the Hairy Woodpecker. They look so similar, pretty much just being larger than the Downy Woodpeckers by two inches.

Downy Woodpeckers (a female and male)

Hairy Woodpecker

Common Redpoll
Although these little birds are usually ground feeders, they enjoy thistle and spend a lot of time on this feeder. The reddish bird on the left is a male.

Migrating Flock of Redpolls
In the spring (May) we had a migrating flock stop at our feeders. The pictures don't do it justice as there were hundreds of birds in the trees and on the ground. We had to fill all the bird feeders three extra times in just one day. They only stayed two days and were off, apparently to their summer homes. I wonder if they will be back in the fall?

I like the birds sitting on the roof of the bird feeder on the left waiting for a turn to get on the thistle feeder.

Hoary Redpoll
I hadn't seen this bird before. I thought it was an albino redpoll since it is so much whiter than the common redpoll but still has the red patch on its head.

Black-capped Chickadee
We only have a group of about 5 chickadees--4 black-capped and one boreal chickadee which have been here a couple of years. They like the suet in the feeder and also sunflower seeds. 

Spruce Grouse
At least, we think this is a Spruce Grouse. If not a spruce grouse it must be a  some type of grouse since it doesn't appear to have furry legs like a ptarmigan and wasn't white in the snow. Last spring we had a pair that came to the feeder every evening. This spring we only have one bird. We are curious if it is one of the two from last year or a new visitor.

Sneaking about in the twilight.

There is at least one pair of these who frequent the bird feeders but I never see them eat from them. Their tails are long and look bluish at times. 

We don't see too many ravens at our house. They are scavengers so we try not to leave anything out which they might find interesting. This is one we saw while out one day.

Polar Bear
This isn't at our house. It was taken on the north coast of Alaska with a cell phone. Since it isn't a good idea to get too close it is pretty grainy. This bear is lying on it's catch, a seal, right on the beach.

This was a surprise recently. We had a cow and a large calf wander through recently so we were shocked to see this tiny moose sleeping in our driveway as we headed out one morning. We figure he is no older than 10 days old. We stayed home all day to allow him to hide in safety under the edge of the pickup. Luckily it was a Sunday and no one had to be at work. His mama came back and got him late that night after he spent more than 12 hours sleeping away half hidden just feet from our front door.

This was taken earlier in the year and I think this might be the mama of the little one above. I wasn't fast enough with the camera and she is walking behind the tree. Look closely and you'll see her. 

These are wild flowers from last spring. I am waiting for the flowers to come back this year!

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